DVD (Showing 99 Results)


Category Description

Introducing DVD audio! Listen to your favorite artist in a whole new way with DVD’s. While this may not be the first audio format that pops into your mind when you think of music, DVD audio is still a mainstream way to enjoy your favorite types of music.


DVD’s offer a unique audio opportunity. Unlike SACD’s, DVD audios provide the ability to include video content and highlights. Some record companies will add music videos, behind-the-scenes footage, and more. This high-resolution format can be played in any DVD player, although DVD audio players allows for higher quality sound.


This audio music format provides an alternative way to listen to your favorite artist. With hundreds of DVD options, take a look at Elusive Disc’s selection. Shop all kinds of genres including rock, pop, metal, and more. From the Beatles to Lynyrd Skynyrd, we have a wide selection of DVD audios for your entertainment.